When you think about wisdom tooth removal, who comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you probably are envisioning a teenager or young adult and probably not an older person. But the truth is, there are many people who are in their 30s and beyond who are still suffering from the pain caused by their third molars. If you’ve been holding on to yours because they didn’t erupt until you were older, or because you never had the time or money to have them extracted when you were younger, you may be under the impression that it’s “too late” to have them removed. Here’s why that’s not true, and what you can expect from removing them at an older age.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth, aka “third molars” are a set of teeth that emerge at the very back of your jaw, typically in your late teens or early twenties. However, they can sometimes arrive earlier or later than that. While many people get just four, it is not uncommon to get anywhere from one to six. Furthermore, some people will never need theirs removed, while others may suffer from pain, crowding, or even impaction. In those cases, your dentist will likely recommend extraction.
Why Do We Get Wisdom Teeth?
It seems counterintuitive to get wisdom teeth only to have them removed as soon as they appear, but extraction wasn’t always necessary. Wisdom teeth originally appeared later in life for our early ancestors as a backup set of teeth to replace their predecessors worn down by primitive diets full of raw meats, roots, and vegetables. Today, however, modern food preparation and smaller jaws have made them unnecessary, and unfortunately, they can often cause more harm than good.
How Old is Too Old for Extraction?
While there is no such thing as being “too old” to have your wisdom teeth extracted, the procedure is typically much easier for younger patients. For example, you may need a bit longer to recover from the procedure than a teen might. While most young adults take about three days to feel like themselves again, an older person may require up to a week. Furthermore, if you’ve had them for a while they could grow closer to the nerves of your lips and there is an increased risk of losing feeling in your lower lip the longer you wait to have them removed.
The Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Extraction
There are many benefits to having your wisdom teeth removed, including:
- Less crowding
- Easier cleaning of your teeth / reduced risk of cavities and gum disease
- The elimination of pain
- Protection from damage caused by impaction
Remember, you’re never too old to have your wisdom teeth extracted. If you’re experiencing any of the negative side-effects associated with them, don’t subject yourself to unnecessary suffering. Speak to your dentist about removing them today.
About Our Practice
At Smile More Dentistry, we want you to do just that. But if you’re suffering from the discomfort or damaging side-effects of wisdom teeth, this can be easier said than done. The good news is that you’re never too old to have yours extracted. If you’re ready to have them removed at any age, speak to your dentist today about the risks and rewards of this procedure. Schedule a consultation today by visiting our website or call us at 845-675-1512.