You landed a fantastic new job in Tappan, NY and are so glad you moved into a great area. You’re happily setting up your life here – getting to know your neighbors, finding the best restaurants, selecting the right grocery store – but you’re stumped on how to find the right person to take care of your teeth. How can you find the right dentist in Tappan for you? The team at Smile More Dentistry shows you what to look for in an oral healthcare professional, and illustrates why their practice has everything you need.
How To Find The Right Dentist In Tappan
February 28, 2017
Dentist in Tappan has 3 Resolutions for a Healthy Smile
January 12, 2017
The start of the new year is the perfect time to set resolutions for yourself. As you are creating goals to live a healthier, happier life, do not forget about your dental health. This year, commit to your oral health with three easy changes to your oral hygiene. As your dentist in Tappan, we will help you reach your goals for a healthier smile.
We’re Now the Home of Your Children’s Dentist in Tappan!
January 3, 2017
The team at Smile More Dentistry is happy to announce the opening of Smile More Kidz, an entire floor dedicated to only serving children at our Tappan based practice. This new facility will be tailored just to helping Tappan’s littlest mouths in an environment specifically built for them. What does this mean for you and your children? Today, Dr. Darren Tong, your children’s dentist in Tappan, is going to tell you about all of the great services he and his team can now bring your children.
Get Affordable Dentistry without Dental Insurance in Tappan
December 20, 2016
Your child walks into the living room with a concerned look on their face, their hand pressed firmly against their jaw. “My tooth hurts.” Your heart breaks a little bit. You know it’s been a long time since they’ve gone to the dentist, but you just can’t afford it right now. You don’t have dental insurance in Tappan, and paying for treatment out of pocket just isn’t an option. What can you do? They’re in pain and something has to be done.
Be Holiday Ready with Invisalign in Tappan
November 12, 2016
It’s easy to think about everyone but yourself during the holiday season. The fun as an adult comes from bringing happiness to other people. However, you deserve attention, too. What’s the one thing you want this year? If you’re like many people, it’s a straighter, more beautiful smile. Your crooked teeth continue to make you self-conscious just like they always have. Give yourself the gift of the smile you’ve always wanted with Invisalign in Tappan.
Save Thousands with Your Dentist in Tappan
November 3, 2016
The end of the year is quickly approaching, and that means you will be getting busier and busier in the next few weeks. You’ll be going at such a pace that one minor hiccup could throw off the whole season. One of the worst, but most preventable, is a dental issue. Nothing ruins the holidays like a sudden problem with your teeth. That’s why it’s the perfect time of year to make an appointment with your dentist in Tappan at Smile More Dentistry. However, the holidays can be financially stressful for many people, so they ask themselves, “Will the dentist near me take my insurance?”
Children’s Dentist in Tappan
October 30, 2016
Drs. Tong and LaCap and their team at Washington Dental Associates are pleased to announce that we are now the children’s dentist in Tappan. The same office that you come to for your own outstanding dental care is now able to take care of your little ones’ teeth in our fun and friendly facility on the second floor of the building. Read on to find out how we partner with parents to make sure your children grow up with healthy and beautiful smiles.
The Importance of Flossing with a Tappan Dentist
September 30, 2016
“How do you like your new house?!” the TV host exclaims. You’ve seem this moment a hundred times before. This is when the family is supposed to jump for joy at their newly renovated house. However, their faces are less happy and more…puzzled. The roof isn’t quite done, in that it’s missing over parts of the house. There’s not going to be a dramatic entrance into the interior because there is no front door. Whenever you brush your teeth and forget to floss, this is basically what you are doing with your teeth. You are leaving a large part of the job undone. The Tappan dentist wants you to know why flossing is just as important as brushing.
Your Dentist in Tappan Says You Can Relax In the Dental Chair
August 30, 2016
If the thought of visiting the dentist makes you more than a little nervous, you’re not alone. There’s no shortage of tips for overcoming anxiety online, and when it comes to dental anxiety, we’ve got another one to add to the list. It’s sedation dentistry provided by your dentist in Tappan. Learn more about how we can help you overcome your dental fear today!
Orthodontics in Tappan
June 30, 2016
Lauren Hutton, Michael Strahan, Madonna, Condoleezza Rice, Eddie Murphy and David Letterman. What do they all have in common? A gap between their two front teeth, which is medically termed a diastema. For celebrities, this can be a distinguishing characteristic. Nevertheless, most people prefer to eliminate the gap. Fortunately, that can almost always be accomplished with orthodontics while children are young. For this and other orthodontics, Tappan, NY, and Bergenfield, NJ, parents can trust the dentists at both of our conveniently located offices that will now be offering a comprehensive menu of pediatric dental services.