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Smile More Dentistry Blog

How Does Coffee Affect My Dental Health?

May 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 4:28 pm
Woman smiling and drinking coffee.

Are you a regular coffee fiend? Does that daily cup (or pot) of Joe fuel you up and provide you with the boost you need to conquer the day? You aren’t alone—the National Coffee Association estimates that over 54% of Americans ages 18 and older drink coffee every day. But with so many people consuming this deliciously caffeinated brew, it’s worth investigating the effect that the beverage has on the body; specifically, your oral health! Keep reading to learn more about how coffee affects your dental health and why you might want to reevaluate your habit.


Gray Teeth: 5 Common Causes & 1 Powerful Solution

March 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:57 pm
Woman looking at her teeth in dentist's mirror

The conversations around dental discoloration are often limited to just yellow and brown teeth, but what about gray teeth? This common aesthetic issue often alarms patients because it’s so rarely discussed. So, if you look in the mirror and realize your teeth have taken on a grayish tint, don’t panic. Here are five common culprits and one powerful solution.


Is Flavored Water Bad for Your Teeth?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 10:47 pm
Flavored water

When it comes to staying hydrated, flavored water may seem like an easy alternative to sugary juice and soda. They sometimes even contain added vitamins. However, this beverage can still have a negative impact on your teeth. In fact, flavored water, vitamin water, and water that is otherwise enhanced may be less nutritious than plain tap water. Read on to learn more about the effects that flavored water can have on your smile.


You can prevent your Smile from aging and even look 10 year younger!

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 8:29 pm

The fact is, the older you get, the faster your smile ages and the more you need the dentist to help you turn back the smile clock.

Now is the time to take advantage of the newest cosmetic technology to rejuvenate your smile!


How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Dental Fillings

February 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 4:43 pm
a tooth-colored dental filling

Do you have decayed or damaged teeth? Is your dentist recommending restorative treatment to repair and restore your smile? Tooth-colored fillings are an ideal option if you want to keep your natural smile and minimize the potential for others to notice your dental work. However, you may begin to wonder, “How long do fillings last?” As one of the most common questions asked by patients, a local dentist is here to answer this question and provide simple tips to extend the lifespan of your restored smile.


How Can I Know If I Need a Dental Filling?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 8:14 pm
tooth-colored dental fillings

When arriving for your dentist’s appointment, you learn you need multiple dental fillings. If this comes as a surprise, it’s likely because you are unaware of the signs and symptoms that are commonly associated with this type of treatment. To help you become more familiar with your oral health, here are three signs that point to needing restorative dental care and which type of filling is right for you.


3 Ways to Take Your Teeth From Gray to White

January 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 4:38 pm
woman with a gray tooth

For years, you’ve felt embarrassed by your gray teeth. You’ve hidden your smile from view in pictures, presentations, and even bypassed social gatherings to avoid conversing with others for fear of what they might say. Unsure of how this discoloration occurred, you may feel as if there is no hope when it comes to enjoying a whiter, brighter smile. But the good news is that there is! A dentist is here to share three unique ways you can take back your smile and start feeling more confident in your appearance.


3 Ways to Ensure You’re Flossing Regularly

December 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 6:56 pm
a woman flossing her teeth

You want to floss more but the idea is often off-putting. It takes time and energy but is also a tedious task. Unfortunately, when you hold this mindset, your desire to strike up this purposeful habit is reduced. To minimize the potential for serious oral health problems, here are three ways you can make sure you’re flossing regularly and avoiding things like gum disease and tooth decay.


Smile Pink

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:51 pm

What does Breast Cancer Awareness Month have to do with Dentistry??

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  What does Breast Cancer Month have to do with Dentistry?  Not much, except for the fact that everyone knows a friend or family member who has been diagnosed or survived breast cancer.  This hits close to home.  One of our hygienist and some of our dearest patients and friends have battled breast cancer.  One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.  One woman every 2½ minutes will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Over 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and 40,000 of them will die from the disease. Breast cancer also occurs in men. In fact, over one thousand men will be diagnosed this year.   


“Mask mouth” in our children.

September 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:00 pm

The Coronavirus pandemic has helped coin a litany of new words and phrases; from social distancing to putting on the COVID-19 mask, there’s a new expression for almost everything related to the virus.

One expression that we started using in our office is ‘mask mouth.’ The phrase refers to a range of symptoms associated with wearing a face mask around your mouth for long periods. It’s not an official diagnosis, but it’s become a common phrase used to describe the rise in dental problems that have resulted from increased mask-wearing.

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