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Discover What to Look For When Faced with a Toothache

March 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 2:25 am
a young woman holding her jaw and cringing in pain as a result of a toothache

All toothaches are the same, right? Wrong! They all come in different shapes and sizes and are caused by a host of things. From sinus pressure and congestion to an object stuck between your teeth to a serious abscess, the one thing all these have in common is that they cause pain. Ranging from mild to moderate to severe, you may not know exactly when you should seek immediate care or wait to see if it passes on its own. Before you jump in the car and head to your local dentist’s office, let an emergency dentist in Tappan explain what signs to look for that will dictate the type of care you need.


How Can Sedation Dentistry Be Beneficial For You?

February 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 9:26 pm

For the most part, most dental patients will fear their upcoming procedures. They may have felt some discomfort while booking their appointment, which may result in feeling uncomfortable feelings towards going forward with treatment. If you are experiencing these emotions at our office yourself, you are not alone! According to JDH, an estimate of 50-80% people fear their dentist to some degree.

People will most likely to hold off on going to their dentist for their recommended six-month cleaning, as opposed to making a trip to their physician for their physical. There are several leading factors as to why they hold off on any type of dental treatment, but the most common reason is due to feeling anxious at the dentist, otherwise known as what we call, “Dental Phobia”.


Gum Disease: One of the Nation’s Most Prevalent Oral Health Problems

February 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 12:38 pm
"gum disease" in Tappan written out in Scrabble tiles on a table

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gum disease is one of the most common conditions in the nation, impacting one out of every two American adults. Many people aren’t aware of how serious and prevalent this issue is, and not knowing about the problem can put your mouth at risk, because you don’t know how to protect yourself. To celebrate National Gum Disease Awareness Month, learn about how you can prevent this oral disease, and what you can do to treat the symptoms.


Can Gum Disease Lead to Problems with Your Heart?

February 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 1:35 pm
a manual toothbrush laying on its side with toothpaste foam and blood pooling around it

Why are my gums bleeding? Why have they suddenly become red and puffy? Gum disease in Tappan has a sneaky way of attacking your soft oral tissue, causing you to wonder how it happened in the first place. Although it doesn’t happen overnight, you may find yourself a bit oblivious to your symptoms in the beginning. However, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans experience the same scenario and don’t realize it’s an issue until they either see their dentist or begin to notice other problems developing throughout their body, one of which is the heart. But why would the gums impact such a vital organ? To find out, hear from a dentist who explains the connection.


Bergenfield and Tappan dentists will once again be providing free dental care to veterans on November 11th

November 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 10:23 pm

Washington Dental Associates in Bergenfield, NJ and Smile More Dentistry in Tappan, NY, will hold its annual veterans day of free dentistry event on Monday November 11th, 2019. The entire team will be providing free dental care services to former and active duty military members. Furthermore, veterans can receive 30% off any treatment throughout the entire month of November.

Dr. Darren Tong, a dentist at the offices, said that “Dental care is a growing need in our country. It is important to Washington Dental Associates to give back to the community and to help others get out of pain and into happier and healthier smiles.”


Congratulations to Dr. Mariliza LaCap for becoming being featured on the front cover of the “Northern Valley” Magazine

October 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 11:46 am
How did I get here photo

Mariliza always knew she wanted to go into medicine but also wanted to help people by using her hands and knowledge of the human body.  This led her to dentistry  where she could tap into her creativity and knowledge of biology and technology to create beautiful smiles for her patients.  She was further motivated to start her own business because as the mother of 5 kids, she knew what she wanted in a dental practice.


Close the Gaps & Renew Your Smile

August 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 11:31 pm

Nothing makes you realize just how important your teeth are to your day-to-day life than when one or more go missing. Suddenly, your diet is limited, certain words are difficult to say, and you find yourself thinking twice before smiling. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or all of them, the available technology in dentistry today can help you rebuild your oral health and confidence by replacing your missing teeth. 


If you have an appointment coming up, get ready to DARE THE DOCS!

July 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 5:36 pm

See the doctors either do the Hula or Lipsync a song on camera. The choice is up to YOU!

The steps are simple:

1. Ask for a social sign and take a photo with it 

2. Post it to Facebook and tag our location

3. Choose your dare and we’ll add a sticker in your name.

4. PLUS, you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Smile More Dentistry in Rockland, NY Launches New Website, Facebook Fanpage, Twitter, Youtube Video Channels & Blog.

June 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentist_tappan @ 2:47 pm
Woman smiling in dental chair

July 29, 2017 – Tappan, NY – Dr. Tong and LaCap, both leading dentists in Bergenfield, New Jersey and Tappan, New York announced today the launching of the practice’s updated website,  as a key part of a new patient outreach and branding strategy for the Bergen County dentists.  The patient can now choose which office they would like to go to.  They can navigate the interactive information available on the sites specific to their needs.   Drs. Tong and LaCap are two of a few dentists in the United States to have been awarded the highest degrees and multiple designations in the field.  Washington Dental Associates continues its commitment in delivering first class dental services to patients in Bergenfield, the greater Bergen County area, and now Rockland County.


Sugar & Your Smile – Tips From Your Dentist In Tappan

May 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:24 pm

dental toolsSharing is caring! Since the beginning of the New Year, you resolved to cut out sugar as a way to lose weight and get your health in order. But try as you might, the office donuts every Thursday, the bitter taste of plain black coffee, and the local ice cream shop have all managed to deter you from your goal. (more…)

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