Congratulations Top 10% Patients!
You landed on this page because you or someone you know is in the Top 10%.

What does that mean?
When it comes to dentistry, you are in the top 10% if you are cavity free and have been seeing your dentist and getting a cleaning every 6 months.
This is a BIG deal and is worthy of celebration.

- with someone you love or care about. Let them know that they deserve a dazzling healthy smile
You’ve invested time and money to take care of all your cavities and gum issues. You’ve taken good care of your smile at home by brushing at least 2X/day. You have been coming in every 6 months for your cleaning.
The likelihood of you getting another cavity is very low. And the likelihood of you keeping all your teeth for the rest of your life is high!
Here are some benefits for being in the Top 10%
Having a healthy smile is good for your body and self-esteem. It creates a positive cycle where if someone feels confident in their smile, they smile more; and when people smile more, they feel more confident. Getting into this happy cycle is easier for some people than others, but it is possible for everyone because it all starts with a healthy smile.
- Improved Mood. Smiling has a direct affect on the way a person feels. Smiling signals the brain to create a chemical reaction that actually makes you feel happier. Not only does it boost your mood, but it can also lower stress, improve a person’s perception on life, and boost the immune system
- Attract People. People are naturally attracted to happier people. This is because people like feeling happy and being around happy people naturally helps boost the mood of the people around them. Others are also more likely to approach a friendly looking person than someone who looks unhappy.
- Improved Health. Having a healthy smile does more than boost confidence, it also improves the overall health of the body. A common sign of poor oral health is tooth infection and gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums. Sometimes this indicates problems in techniques, like brushing and flossing incorrectly, but it can also be an indicator that there is another problem in the body. Two examples of this are the correlation between tooth decay and a link between diabetes and gum disease and heart disease.
- Last, but not least, you get to wear the awesome, exclusive top 10% t-shirt. This t-shirt is for the privileged few and cannot be bought or sold. It can only be earned.
Some insights and statistics about cavities:
• Kids from 2 to 11: the average percentage of children with cavities in their primary teeth is 42% with an average of 1.6 decayed teeth.
• Adolescents from 12 to 19: with permanent teeth growth and more teeth to take care of, adolescents suffer from dental cavities on their permanent teeth 59% of the time, on average.
• Adults from 20 to 65: 92% of adults have suffered from cavities at least once.
• Seniors +65: Even if you’ve had a great history of good oral health, 65. 92% of senior patients have had dental cavities with an average of 3.28 decayed teeth.